Location & Hours
409 Water Street
Oakland CA 94607
(510) 893-7833
Regular Business Hours
- Closed Mon & Tues
- Wed - Sat 10 to 5
- Sunday 10 to 4
Rentals Available Weather permitting
Sales, Demos, Repairs,
Instruction and Tours.
Clearance SALE!
Order on-line or call us for availability or for delivery information.
Our BROOKLYN BASIN location is Closed.
Visit us at our
Jack London Sq Location
409 Water Street
Oakland CA 94607
Headwaters Adventure Company
Open and located at our former Rancho Cordova Location
The HAC team is committed to providing excellent customer service and a good selection of paddle sports products.
11349 Folsom Blvd, Suite C
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Now located Redwood City
Redwood Water Sports
Now operating at 487 Seaport Ct.
415 606 5078