From deck rigging to holding in rudder cable, to putting in a new rudder or seat, Sealect Designs Fastener Packs are ideal for any kind of outfitting you do to your kayak.
NOTE: This is a USED or SALVAGED item, deemed functional and in good condition. Thus, USED, Clearance, Salvage, and Discontinued items are sold as is. There is no refund, return, or exchange.
NOTE: This is a USED or SALVAGED item, deemed functional and in good condition. Thus, USED, Clearance, Salvage, and Discontinued items are sold as is. There is no refund, return, or exchange.
NOTE: This is a USED or SALVAGED item, deemed functional and in good condition. Thus, USED, Clearance, Salvage, and Discontinued items are sold as is. There is no refund, return, or exchange.
NOTE: This is a USED or SALVAGED item, deemed functional and in good condition. Thus, USED, Clearance, Salvage, and Discontinued items are sold as is. There is no refund, return, or exchange.